Financing of energy projects

Together we will reduce the cost of investing in energy savings. Whether into more efficient lighting, a new boiler, recuperation or upgrading an old machine. We will calculate the savings in advance, secure all permits and successfully process the application for the subsidy. In addition, we will cut off the entire project.

PKV | Dotace_1

Do you need to invest in energy, but in times of crisis do you consider each investment carefully?


Do you arrange subsidies on your own and unsuccessfully?

Do you work with subsidy agencies that don't understand energy?


Are you unable to select the right subsidy for your type of project?

Do you need to bring a project with a grant to a successful end?

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4 steps to an investment that will save you money

We collect the necessary documents

We'll talk about your ideas, get to know your energy bills and other energy status reports. In case of missing documents, we are able to supplement them without any problems.

We select the most suitable subsidy

We have a lot of experience with several types of grants and we will choose one that you will get the most out of for your project. From the available data, we are able to estimate very specifically the chance of success for obtaining a grant and its amount

We will ensure a smooth process of cooperation

We will prepare the project for you, create project reports and provide all mandatory documentation. We will submit the application for you in full. We will arrange communication with the authorities as well as comments from the provider.

We do not end by giving a subsidy

We will help with the selection of suppliers, preparation of inspection reports and payment requests. We will assist you throughout the sustainability of the project and you will be assured that no one will take the subsidy from you again.

Are you considering energy investment projects in your company and don't know how to get started?

Leave us in touch and we will get in touch with you. We will discuss your intention and help you find the right solution that will save you time and money!

Are you interested in how we work with your personal data? Take a look hither.

Thank you for your message! He's already on his way to us and that means the ball is on our side. We will contact you as soon as possible with a proposal for a date when we would discuss your energy investment plan together.
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PKV | Robert Pavlík

Are you looking for professionals to make a smart investment for you?

Robert Pavlik

business manager