Photovoltaics with and without subsidy

Are you considering a project that will increase your energy self-sufficiency? We will solve for you all the consulting, design, engineering and subsidy work that is necessary for your own photovoltaic power plant. We will help you get your own clean energy source and reduce your carbon footprint.

Fotovoltaika Jihlava | PKV
PKV | náhled na FVE_2

Unlock the power of personalized energy solutions with our exceptional design services.


Harnessing the cutting-edge capabilities of drones and advanced 3D scanning technology, we'll precisely pinpoint the ideal locations for your envisioned photovoltaic power plant.

Leveraging the comprehensive data captured, our skilled designers will expertly translate it into meticulously tailored photovoltaic project documentation. With utmost precision and attention to detail, we'll craft optimal designs that align perfectly with your energy goals.


Together, we'll craft the perfect installation size, strategically design panel layouts, and thoughtfully choose components. We'll also explore storage options and collaborate with you to select the ideal PV installer.


Our project managers will help you choose the right supplier to supply your solar panels and build the photovoltaics.

We'll be there for you every step of the way, providing constant support and expert guidance. Count on us to consult and advise you on the right steps throughout the project, ensuring a flawless journey and delivering exceptional results.

Experience the difference where others fall short—choose us!

We boast a dedicated team of in-house experts, including photovoltaic power station designers, technicians, energy specialists, and subsidy professionals. With their unwavering support, we'll guide you through every phase of your project.

Each project is led by a project manager. A person with expert knowledge of the subject, who has gained know-how on the largest photovoltaic power plant projects in the Czech Republic.

No project is too big for us to handle. Whether it's a few hundred kilowatts or several megawatts of power, we rise to the challenge. In fact, we often initiate pilot projects to showcase the immense benefits before clients proceed to cover their entire portfolio of halls, facilities, plots of land, or houses.

Experience an added bonus with our exclusive, state-of-the-art online energy monitoring system designed specifically for your project. Effortlessly track your savings in real-time, right from the convenience of your computer or phone. This invaluable tool not only simplifies report generation for subsidy providers but also provides accurate return calculations tailored to your company.

PKV | Technik s FVE
PKV | VInařství Gotberg_6

Vyplatí se fotovoltaika v roce 2024?

Otázka návratnosti investice do fotovoltaických panelů zůstává pro mnoho klientů velkým otazníkem. I jí jsme věnovali čas v průběhu našeho webináře.

Necessary steps for successful implementation of photovoltaics project

Input analysis

We will prepare for you a study of the economic suitability of the project, the total cost of the investment, calculate the return and get a notification from the fire department or the authorities.

We arrange the subsidy

We will provide you with a subsidy for your project. We will submit the application for you and handle all the requirements specific to the subsidy on your behalf.

We design photovoltaics

We have an in-house team of PV power plant designers. Thanks to our capabilities, we will create the entire project for you yourself and make sure that it looks the same as on paper after installation.

Building Permit and Selection of Implementing Company

We will set the right criteria for choosing a supplier. We will arrange a tender and you will choose a suitable partner to build your photovoltaics.

We are behind the largest photovoltaic power plant projects in the Czech Republic

We designed the first photovoltaic power station located above a waste dump.
We have reduced operating costs thanks to photovoltaics for 7 buildings with a total output of 9.5 MWp.
Připravili jsme komplexní projekt fotovoltaické elektrárny pro dva obchodní domy společnosti Aventin.
For Fidurock, we are preparing projects of 6 solar power plants with a total capacity of over 2.5 MWp.
We designed photovoltaics for ÚEB branches in Prague and Olomouc with 100% subsidy. We have followed up the cooperation with other projects in 2023.
Project preparation and lightning submission of grant applications in record time for a FVE with a capacity of 8.5 MW.

Skvělý přístup se vyplácí

Complex technical challenges solved with a professional team

“The collaboration works great. Both from the business side from Mr. Holbík and technical from Ms. Ing. Cookbooks. Above all, I value patience with our ignorance of the preparation of the grant application and the scope of the necessary things that we have not had until now and had to procure from day to day. We also appreciate the willingness to participate in a project that is so far unique in the Czech Republic. I believe that the complexity of the technical solution of placing PV in a landfill is a challenge for all parties.”

Jan Šonský

Project manager of strategic projects, AVE CZ

Thanks to PKV, the eyeglass frames we produce have a low carbon footprint.

“Silhouette Czechia is an expert in what we do. That is, in the manufacture of rims. But when it comes to energy and photovoltaics, we are not experts. That's why we turned to PKV. We wanted to get the best technology there is on the market. We worked out every detail together so that the project turned out exactly the way we wanted it.”

Josef Veselka

Technical Manager, Silhouette Czechia s.r.o.

Stojíme za největšími projekty fotovoltaických elektráren v Česku

We designed the first photovoltaic power station located above a waste dump.
We have reduced operating costs thanks to photovoltaics for 7 buildings with a total output of 9.5 MWp.
Připravili jsme komplexní projekt fotovoltaické elektrárny pro dva obchodní domy společnosti Aventin.

Are you considering your own photovoltaic power plant? Leave us your contact details. We'll help you get started.

Leave us your contact details and we will get back to you to discuss your plans. We will advise you where to start. We'll tell you how much you can save, what the payback will be, and what level of subsidy support you might be able to achieve.

Are you interested in how we handle your personal data? Take a look here.

Děkujeme za vaši zprávu! Už je na cestě k nám a to znamená, že míč je na naší straně. Co nejdříve se vám ozveme s nabídkou pro realizace fotovoltaiky a s návrhem termínu bezplatné konzultace.
Jejda, něco se pokazilo. Zkuste prosím odeslat formulář později znovu.
PKV | Jednatel_Ondřej Vaněk

Nejsme realizační firmou. To je přidaná hodnota pro vás

Nedodáváme panely, konstrukce, střídače, ani jiné komponenty. Díky tomu jsme nezávislí, na čemž si také zakládáme. Pro realizační firmu nicméně připravíme vše potřebné – perfektně zpracovaný projekt s unikátním vhledem do problematiky. Jsme inženýři, projektanti a poradci v energetice. Stojíme vždy na vaší straně.

Ondřej Vaněk

Managing Director of PKV

PKV | Robert Pavlík

Are you looking for professionals to provide your organisation with a green energy source?

Robert Pavlík

Sales manager