Prepare your community for green, community-based energy

A local energy concept is key. We will create a strategy for you that will lead your municipality or city into the era of green and community energy. It's a comprehensive plan to help you optimize energy flows, utilize all available resources, and move your community toward a greener future.

PKV | Dotace

Take a strategic approach to city energy


The concept will give you an overlap. You will receive a basic document for energy projects from us.

Thanks to the concepts, we will discover opportunities for savings in your area, and we will find suitable solutions for new cheaper energy sources.


With the Energy Concept, you'll learn how to prepare for community energy and prepare your municipal buildings to connect with residents.

We will also propose the optimal way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, so you will gain opportunities for a better environment.

Helping hundreds of cities and towns prepare for community energy

The municipality of Konice develops with us a significant activity in the field of energy, preparing for the development of renewable energy sources. And it develops the concept of community energy.
We offered an expert view and concrete solutions for the energy independence of the city of Nýřany.
In 2022, we developed a local energy concept for the city of Osoblaha.
We proposed the local energy concept of the Town of Pozlovice.
We are preparing an energy concept for the town of Senomaty.

Helping hundreds of cities and towns prepare for community energy

The municipality of Konice develops with us a significant activity in the field of energy, preparing for the development of renewable energy sources. And it develops the concept of community energy.
We offered an expert view and concrete solutions for the energy independence of the city of Nýřany.
In 2022, we developed a local energy concept for the city of Osoblaha.

How will we prepare the concept?

We will arrange a 90% subsidy for you

We will assist you with the processing of the grant application and the preparation of all supporting documents.

Describe the energy balance

We will put together an overview of all available energy sources and the total consumption of your municipality.

We will propose austerity measures

We will create a strategy for your municipality to save money projects for your energy-intensive buildings.

Implement energy management

So that you can measure and monitor the energy consumption of all monitored buildings.

Since December, we have been waiting for subsidies for energy concepts with 95% support from the MPO.

Do not miss the opportunity and get ready so that your municipality can benefit from the allocation of funds from the EFEKT subsidy program.

Vytvoříme s vámi precizní základní stavební kámen pro zelenou obecní energetiku

Thanks to the documents from PKV, we were able to start implementing energy projects.

Based on the tender process, we selected PKV. Throughout the project, we experienced very courteous interactions and a professional approach from their staff. The energy audit and the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) were clear and to the point. Included were proposals for energy-saving measures, which we are now gradually implementing in our city.

Stanislav Hodan

Energetický manažer, Roudnice nad Labem

Hladká cesta ke komunitní energetice s PKV

,,PKV jsme oslovili za účelem zpracování místní energetické koncepce. Celý projekt probíhal hladce a výstupy byly doručeny včas. Na základě navržených opatření jsme začali už rozjíždět několik úsporných projektů, jako jsou fotovoltaické elektrárny či zateplení budov.”

Martin Ženožička

Investiční Technik, Město Konice

Don't wait for a grant, get ready with us now.

Leave us a contact for you and we will get back to you. We will prepare a quote for you and draw up a project plan.

Are you interested in how we work with your personal data? Take a look hither.

Thank you for your message! He's already on his way to us and that means the ball is on our side. We will contact you as soon as possible with an offer for the implementation of the audit and with a proposal for a free consultation.
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PKV | Vedení_Jiří Španihel

Our energy audit is fine-tuned along with the biggest players

During my time at PKV, we have conducted energy audits on thousands of buildings not only in the Czech Republic. From the beginning, we consulted independent experts in the field — from university professors to seasoned energy engineers. Thanks to this, we give customers a real overview of their energy. We like to use new technologies, such as drones, to create our audits. Fulfillment of all legal obligations is a matter of course for us.

Jiri Spanihel

Technical Director of PKV

What is a local energy concept?

The Local Energy Concept is a comprehensive document aimed at analyzing the current energy situation in a particular territory. It deals with creating an overview of all energy resources, mapping consumption and drawing up an energy balance for a given territory.

Why is it important?

The local energy concept should serve as the main tool for local government in finding optimal solutions in terms of energy supply and consumption. It is designed to reflect the needs of a particular region, city or voluntary union of municipalities.

PKV | Robert Pavlík

Are you looking for consultants who will really help your community?

Robert Pavlik

Sales Manager