GRI Standards

Reporting standards create a common practice for organizations - whether large or small, private or public, from the financial and non-financial sectors - in ESG reporting. This improves global comparability and enables organizations to be transparent and accountable.


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has developed various standards for sustainability reporting that are used to evaluate the ESG (Environmental, Social and Administrative) performance of companies. Among the most well-known standards are:

  • Sustainability Reporting Standards (SRS): These standards provide general guidelines for sustainability reporting and contain a number of policies and indicators to help businesses and organizations report on their ESG performance.
  • Indicators for Sustainability Reports (GRI Standards): GRI Standards are used to assess the ESG performance of companies in various areas such as environmental protection, human rights, working conditions, health and safety, and more.
  • GRI Materiality Standards: These standards help companies and organizations identify key ESG issues that have the greatest impact on their business and stakeholders.
  • GRI Comparability Standards: These standards ensure that sustainability reports are comparable across companies and organizations across industries and countries.
  • GRI Verification Standards: These standards provide guidance for independent verification of sustainability reports and ensure that reports comply with the GRI Standards and other relevant standards and regulations.

These standards are developed with transparency and accountability principles central to ESG and are used by companies and organizations around the world to assess and improve their ESG performance.

Chcete začít řešit udržitelnost, dekarbonizaci nebo sustainability management?

Nechte nám na vás kontakt a my se vám ozveme! Prověříme vaše povinnosti v rámci standardů ESG a udržitelnosti a domluvím se na dalším postupu.

Zajímá vás, jak pracujeme s vašimi osobními údaji? Podívejte se sem.

Děkujeme za vaši zprávu! Už je na cestě k nám a to znamená, že míč je na naší straně. Co nejdříve se vám ozveme s nabídkou pro realizace fotovoltaiky a s návrhem termínu bezplatné konzultace.
Jejda, něco se pokazilo. Zkuste prosím odeslat formulář později znovu.

Chcete lépe porozumět problematice nefinančního reportingu?

Ing. Ivan Korolov

trade development

+420 775 881 156
*Phone number is the number of our store development department, not a specific merchant.