Energy for municipalities - preparation for community energy

Do you deal with community energy and want to know the possibilities of how to ensure the energy sustainability of your municipality? Then you will find this practical webinar useful.

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Do you deal with community energy and want to know the possibilities to ensure the energy sustainability and prosperity of your community? Whether you are a mayor, mayor, or in charge of managing public buildings, our practical webinar will be useful to you. Learn what you need to know to effectively manage energy and savings in your municipality, how to streamline energy management, and find ways to leverage subsidy programs to benefit your municipality.
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Energy for municipalities - preparation for community energy

Do you deal with community energy and want to know the possibilities of how to ensure the energy sustainability of your municipality? Then you will find this practical webinar useful.

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Rádi vám ho poskytneme a o know-how se s vámi podělíme. Stačí se zaregistrovat.

Zajímá vás, jak pracujeme s vašimi osobními údaji? Podívejte se sem.
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Jejda, něco se pokazilo. Zkuste prosím odeslat formulář později znovu.
Do you deal with community energy and want to know the possibilities to ensure the energy sustainability and prosperity of your community? Whether you are a mayor, mayor, or in charge of managing public buildings, our practical webinar will be useful to you. Learn what you need to know to effectively manage energy and savings in your municipality, how to streamline energy management, and find ways to leverage subsidy programs to benefit your municipality.
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