“The energy crisis has touched everyone, including business owners.”

“Every crisis is an opportunity. At the moment, energy has become a key issue and our clients have realized that they have to deal with it on their own,” say PKV executives Jiří Pech and Ondřej Vaněk.

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“Every crisis is an opportunity. At the moment, energy has become a key issue and our clients have realized that they have to deal with it on their own,” say PKV executives Jiří Pech and Ondřej Vaněk. Why is it important to invest in long-term strategy and quality data instead of instant solutions? Can the company grow in times of crisis? And how did PKV move from energy performance certificates to the largest energy management project in Central Europe? You will learn this and much more in the new episode of the podcast Na vlPKV!
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“The energy crisis has touched everyone, including business owners.”

“Every crisis is an opportunity. At the moment, energy has become a key issue and our clients have realized that they have to deal with it on their own,” say PKV executives Jiří Pech and Ondřej Vaněk.

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Rádi vám ho poskytneme a o know-how se s vámi podělíme. Stačí se zaregistrovat.

Zajímá vás, jak pracujeme s vašimi osobními údaji? Podívejte se sem.
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Jejda, něco se pokazilo. Zkuste prosím odeslat formulář později znovu.
“Every crisis is an opportunity. At the moment, energy has become a key issue and our clients have realized that they have to deal with it on their own,” say PKV executives Jiří Pech and Ondřej Vaněk. Why is it important to invest in long-term strategy and quality data instead of instant solutions? Can the company grow in times of crisis? And how did PKV move from energy performance certificates to the largest energy management project in Central Europe? You will learn this and much more in the new episode of the podcast Na vlPKV!
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Podcasty vznikají v nejlepších kancelářích v Brně
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