We will also add water and waste consultancy to the energy sector. A lot of people in our country get a chance

We want to add water and waste consultancy to the energy sector and we will help companies and municipalities with long-term sustainability. Listen to the latest episode of the PKV miniseries — you'll find we have bold plans and it's going to be a ride in the coming years.

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Within five years, we would like to address the circular economy — the long-term sustainability of companies, municipalities and the environment. We would also like to go abroad with PKV and we will do everything possible not to get bogged down in corporate management. (— Ing. Ondřej Vanek)
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We will also add water and waste consultancy to the energy sector. A lot of people in our country get a chance

We want to add water and waste consultancy to the energy sector and we will help companies and municipalities with long-term sustainability. Listen to the latest episode of the PKV miniseries — you'll find we have bold plans and it's going to be a ride in the coming years.

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Rádi vám ho poskytneme a o know-how se s vámi podělíme. Stačí se zaregistrovat.

Zajímá vás, jak pracujeme s vašimi osobními údaji? Podívejte se sem.
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Jejda, něco se pokazilo. Zkuste prosím odeslat formulář později znovu.
Within five years, we would like to address the circular economy — the long-term sustainability of companies, municipalities and the environment. We would also like to go abroad with PKV and we will do everything possible not to get bogged down in corporate management. (— Ing. Ondřej Vanek)
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Podcasty vznikají v nejlepších kancelářích v Brně
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