Empowering your journey to success
We are tackling energy on a scale that is unprecedented in our country. We develop audits and other energy documents, prepare complete investment projects and propose smart financing. We analyze your buildings and build energy models. We collect energy data using our own software. We calculate and reduce your carbon footprint. Our solutions make sense environmentally and, above all, economically. Because we do everything in the context of the specific business sector and company goals.
Za 11 let na trhu jsme:
Připravili projekty fotovoltaik o velikosti 412 000 kWp.
Zauditovali 45 000 objektů napříč Českou republikou.
Navrhli úsporné projekty v investiční hodnotě 15 miliard korun.
Zpracovali průkazy energetické náročnosti pro 1 000 obcí v České republice a tisíce soukromých subjektů.
Our precise work speaks for us
The documents prepared by PKV were clear and understandable.
"PKV conducted energy audits for our energy-intensive facilities. The collaboration and communication with the PKV team were always smooth. The result was a comprehensive document that assessed the energy consumption of our operations and proposed appropriate energy-saving measures."
Hladká cesta ke komunitní energetice s PKV
,,PKV jsme oslovili za účelem zpracování místní energetické koncepce. Celý projekt probíhal hladce a výstupy byly doručeny včas. Na základě navržených opatření jsme začali už rozjíždět několik úsporných projektů, jako jsou fotovoltaické elektrárny či zateplení budov.”
Our collaboration with PKV has confirmed that we are on the right track.
Even before the audit was conducted, we had a plan for energy-saving measures that were ultimately recommended in the proposal section of the energy audit, confirming we were on the right path. After this positive experience, we also had PKV prepare an energy assessment for us.
Cooperation, Quality and Professional Approach to Energy
What I like most about PKV is the complexity of their services. They took care of the entire project including the necessary permits, secured us new subsidies and thanks to a well-organized tender process, we are sure that our photovoltaics are of top quality. In addition, the collaboration took place within a close team of people, so we had a perfect overview of everything.
Jsme průkopníci v energetice. Projekty, které děláme u nás nemají obdoby.
Pomáháme firmám jako:
V MEXINER & HANUŠ, a.s. Czech Republic jsme implementovali software Enmon, čímž získali okamžitý přehled o spotřebě energie.
Pro RECUTECH s.r.o. jsme zpracovali energetický audit pro velkou výrobní halu v Pardubicích a navázali zpracováním energetického posudku.
Společnosti Gondella pomáháme s fotovoltaikami, udržitelností a dekarbonizací, měřením spotřeby energií pomocí naší platformy Enmon.
Pro společnost ZDR připravujeme fotovoltaiky pro její portfolio budov.
From input analysis to reconstruction to photovoltaic power plant
Pomáháme veřejné sféře:
One of the many collaborations between us and the city of Brno consisted of producing PENB cards.
Processing of energy labels and energy audit for buildings on the property of the university.
We offered an expert view and concrete solutions for the energy independence of the city of Nýřany.
Pomáháme Masarkově univerzitě s dekarbonizací pomocí fotovoltaických projektů na jejich budovách.
We have created energy labels for hundreds of buildings in Prague's municipal property.
Jsme průkopníci v energetice. Projekty, které děláme u nás nemají obdoby.
Pomáháme firmám jako:
V MEXINER & HANUŠ, a.s. Czech Republic jsme implementovali software Enmon, čímž získali okamžitý přehled o spotřebě energie.
Pro RECUTECH s.r.o. jsme zpracovali energetický audit pro velkou výrobní halu v Pardubicích a navázali zpracováním energetického posudku.
Společnosti Gondella pomáháme s fotovoltaikami, udržitelností a dekarbonizací, měřením spotřeby energií pomocí naší platformy Enmon.
Pro společnost ZDR připravujeme fotovoltaiky pro její portfolio budov.
From input analysis to reconstruction to photovoltaic power plant
Comprehensive energy saving measures, accompanied by streamlining energy from day to day, thanks to the implementation of Enmon.
Energy label processing for Penta Hospitals campuses.
Energy audits for the entire OMV branch network.
Austerity proposals based on energy audits that save millions a year.
We modernized the company's energy industry, designed a new photovoltaic power plant and thus reduced energy consumption by 80 percent.
Pro společnost Benteler jsme auditovali jejich portfolio budov.
Energy management for more than 100 sites across Europe and subsequent energy-saving projects.
Energy audits and permits for 12,500 apartments in the Czech Republic processed in a clear and understandable output.
Audits mapping the entire Geis energy industry and energy management integration for 15 sites.
In just 3 months we processed an energy audit for 225 DM drugstore branches.
For Fidurock, we are preparing projects of 6 solar power plants with a total capacity of over 2.5 MWp.
Energy management for the Czech branches of Asko Furniture.
We designed the first photovoltaic power station located above a waste dump.
Připravili jsme komplexní projekt fotovoltaické elektrárny pro dva obchodní domy společnosti Aventin.
Processing of branch audits, then grant application and implementation of energy management.
We have reduced operating costs thanks to photovoltaics for 7 buildings with a total output of 9.5 MWp.
We have prepared photovoltaic power plants for the Czech manufacturer of eyeglass frames.
Two photovoltaic power plants with a total capacity of 1.6 MWp.
Pomáháme veřejné sféře:
We have created energy labels for hundreds of buildings in Prague's municipal property.
We have processed energy permits for buildings in the property of the city of Olomouc.
We proposed the local energy concept of the Town of Pozlovice.
We designed photovoltaics for ÚEB branches in Prague and Olomouc with 100% subsidy. We have followed up the cooperation with other projects in 2023.
We are preparing an energy concept for the town of Senomaty.
We have been processing energy permits for the city of Ostrava since 2014.
For the city of Albrechtice, we help with the energy strategy not only through energy audits, but also with the energy concept.
We offered an expert view and concrete solutions for the energy independence of the city of Nýřany.
Připravujeme projekty 4 fotovoltaických elektráren pro Olomoucký kraj.
The municipality of Konice develops with us a significant activity in the field of energy, preparing for the development of renewable energy sources. And it develops the concept of community energy.
Naše spolupráce s Jihomoravským krajem začala zpracováním 50 studií fotovoltaik. V kraji pak vybrali 14 objektů vhodných k pokrytí fotovoltaikami. Za PKV jsme připravili projektové dokumentace a vyřídili dotační podporu pro 5 projektů.
In 2022, we developed a local energy concept for the city of Osoblaha.
Pomáháme Masarkově univerzitě s dekarbonizací pomocí fotovoltaických projektů na jejich budovách.
Vypracovali jsme energetický audit, který pomůže Roudnici nad Labem šetřit až 1360 MWh.
Processing of energy labels and energy audit for buildings on the property of the university.
The village of Žleby saves hundreds of thousands. In addition, the subsidy reduced the total investment by 70% and additionally reduced the return by 13 years to 6.5 years
One of the many collaborations between us and the city of Brno consisted of producing PENB cards.
Jsme průkopníci v energetice. Projekty, které děláme u nás nemají obdoby.
Pomáháme firmám jako:
V MEXINER & HANUŠ, a.s. Czech Republic jsme implementovali software Enmon, čímž získali okamžitý přehled o spotřebě energie.
V MEXINER & HANUŠ, a.s. Czech Republic jsme implementovali software Enmon, čímž získali okamžitý přehled o spotřebě energie.
Pro RECUTECH s.r.o. jsme zpracovali energetický audit pro velkou výrobní halu v Pardubicích a navázali zpracováním energetického posudku.
Pro RECUTECH s.r.o. jsme zpracovali energetický audit pro velkou výrobní halu v Pardubicích a navázali zpracováním energetického posudku.
Společnosti Gondella pomáháme s fotovoltaikami, udržitelností a dekarbonizací, měřením spotřeby energií pomocí naší platformy Enmon.
Společnosti Gondella pomáháme s fotovoltaikami, udržitelností a dekarbonizací, měřením spotřeby energií pomocí naší platformy Enmon.
Pro společnost ZDR připravujeme fotovoltaiky pro její portfolio budov.
Pro společnost ZDR připravujeme fotovoltaiky pro její portfolio budov.
From input analysis to reconstruction to photovoltaic power plant
From input analysis to reconstruction to photovoltaic power plant
Comprehensive energy saving measures, accompanied by streamlining energy from day to day, thanks to the implementation of Enmon.
Comprehensive energy saving measures, accompanied by streamlining energy from day to day, thanks to the implementation of Enmon.
Energy label processing for Penta Hospitals campuses.
Energy label processing for Penta Hospitals campuses.
Energy audits for the entire OMV branch network.
Energy audits for the entire OMV branch network.
Austerity proposals based on energy audits that save millions a year.
Austerity proposals based on energy audits that save millions a year.
We modernized the company's energy industry, designed a new photovoltaic power plant and thus reduced energy consumption by 80 percent.
We modernized the company's energy industry, designed a new photovoltaic power plant and thus reduced energy consumption by 80 percent.
Pro společnost Benteler jsme auditovali jejich portfolio budov.
Pro společnost Benteler jsme auditovali jejich portfolio budov.
Energy management for more than 100 sites across Europe and subsequent energy-saving projects.
Energy management for more than 100 sites across Europe and subsequent energy-saving projects.
Energy audits and permits for 12,500 apartments in the Czech Republic processed in a clear and understandable output.
Energy audits and permits for 12,500 apartments in the Czech Republic processed in a clear and understandable output.
Audits mapping the entire Geis energy industry and energy management integration for 15 sites.
Audits mapping the entire Geis energy industry and energy management integration for 15 sites.
In just 3 months we processed an energy audit for 225 DM drugstore branches.
In just 3 months we processed an energy audit for 225 DM drugstore branches.
For Fidurock, we are preparing projects of 6 solar power plants with a total capacity of over 2.5 MWp.
For Fidurock, we are preparing projects of 6 solar power plants with a total capacity of over 2.5 MWp.
Energy management for the Czech branches of Asko Furniture.
Energy management for the Czech branches of Asko Furniture.
We designed the first photovoltaic power station located above a waste dump.
We designed the first photovoltaic power station located above a waste dump.
Připravili jsme komplexní projekt fotovoltaické elektrárny pro dva obchodní domy společnosti Aventin.
Připravili jsme komplexní projekt fotovoltaické elektrárny pro dva obchodní domy společnosti Aventin.
Processing of branch audits, then grant application and implementation of energy management.
Processing of branch audits, then grant application and implementation of energy management.
We have reduced operating costs thanks to photovoltaics for 7 buildings with a total output of 9.5 MWp.
We have reduced operating costs thanks to photovoltaics for 7 buildings with a total output of 9.5 MWp.
We have prepared photovoltaic power plants for the Czech manufacturer of eyeglass frames.
We have prepared photovoltaic power plants for the Czech manufacturer of eyeglass frames.
Two photovoltaic power plants with a total capacity of 1.6 MWp.
Two photovoltaic power plants with a total capacity of 1.6 MWp.
Pomáháme veřejné sféře:
We have processed energy permits for buildings in the property of the city of Olomouc.
We designed photovoltaics for ÚEB branches in Prague and Olomouc with 100% subsidy. We have followed up the cooperation with other projects in 2023.
Naše spolupráce s Jihomoravským krajem začala zpracováním 50 studií fotovoltaik. V kraji pak vybrali 14 objektů vhodných k pokrytí fotovoltaikami. Za PKV jsme připravili projektové dokumentace a vyřídili dotační podporu pro 5 projektů.
We are preparing an energy concept for the town of Senomaty.
The municipality of Konice develops with us a significant activity in the field of energy, preparing for the development of renewable energy sources. And it develops the concept of community energy.
One of the many collaborations between us and the city of Brno consisted of producing PENB cards.
We proposed the local energy concept of the Town of Pozlovice.
We offered an expert view and concrete solutions for the energy independence of the city of Nýřany.
Vypracovali jsme energetický audit, který pomůže Roudnici nad Labem šetřit až 1360 MWh.
We have created energy labels for hundreds of buildings in Prague's municipal property.
For the city of Albrechtice, we help with the energy strategy not only through energy audits, but also with the energy concept.
The village of Žleby saves hundreds of thousands. In addition, the subsidy reduced the total investment by 70% and additionally reduced the return by 13 years to 6.5 years
Processing of energy labels and energy audit for buildings on the property of the university.
Připravujeme projekty 4 fotovoltaických elektráren pro Olomoucký kraj.
Pomáháme Masarkově univerzitě s dekarbonizací pomocí fotovoltaických projektů na jejich budovách.
In 2022, we developed a local energy concept for the city of Osoblaha.
We have been processing energy permits for the city of Ostrava since 2014.
Jsme partneři:
Are you looking for professionals to create order in your energy sector?
Ing. Ivan Korolov
business development